Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hunger Games

Hunger Games

By Suzanne Collins

Published by Scholastic Inc. in 2008


Hunger Games is set in Panem, a place that is all that is left of what is now North America. It is set in the far future where the world has become a place where people starve to death and they are forced to live in misery. There are 12 districts now that everything else is gone. Once a year, there are what is called "The Hunger Games," where two tributes are chosen from each district, put in an arena, and forced to kill each other off until there is one left, the winner. This year is different because Katniss's (the main girl in the story) sister is chosen to be the tribute but Katniss volunteers to take her place in the Games. Katniss goes through a very trying journey and learns all about herself on the way.


I liked this book! It took me a little while to get into it but once they were actually in the Games and things were happening, I was hooked. I couldn't put it down because it was so intense. I loved learning about Katniss and the journey that she takes while there. She is so selfless and learns to love people in the arena with her even though she is supposed to be killing them. I did not like the way that it ended though. Peeta, her best friend and "lover" in the Games is one of the characters that I loved and I liked the end of the Games, but not the end of the book. I thought it was written really well too.


There is a lot of violence in this book because they are all trying to kill each other to win. That is all that I would warn against though. It is a little sad when the characters die off and it's kind of bloody, some of them.

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