Thursday, October 29, 2009

La Linea

La Linea
Ann Jaramillo
March 15 2006 by Roaring Brook Press

La Linea
is a book about a hispanic boy named Miguel and he lives with his grandmother in Mexico but his parents have left for America so that they can find a better life. Miguel desperately wants to go and join his parents and finally, on his fifteenth birthday, he has the opportunity to go and so he starts the trek across the border. His sister, Elena, secretly follows him and at first, he tells her to go back and buys her a ticket home but then he gets the ticket stolen and he takes her with him. They have to jump trains and try to stay away from the people that would take them back to Mexico and also from gangs. They have to make a long trip across the desert. They encounter many obstacles on this trip across the border. They "cheat death" many times but eventually make it across and to their parents.

I liked this book a lot. I liked learning about Miguel and the kind of person that he becomes. In the beginning, he is very selfish but he learns about himself and how to care for others and not just about himself. I liked Elena's personality as well. She was strong and stubborn and knew what she wanted and tried to do all she could to get it. I liked their journey together. They learn about each other and the importance of family.

Cautionary Note:
In this book, there is some gruesome images. People die and it can be disturbing to read about them and the kinds of things that go wrong with their lives.

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